Blade Classics' Catalina Sailing knife is a decendent of the old Camillus pattern 695. Overall the fit and finish of this knife is pretty good. Unfortunately the knife is patterned after later models of the Camillus so the Bird's eye rivets are gone. Later Camillus knives had a scales that were textured as does the Blade Classics knife, however there are a few difference. First of all the pattern on the Blade Clasics is finer. Blade classics has also updated the Scale material, opting for G10 over Delrin.
The blade and marlin spike pull are a little tough on this knife. This can be expected as the back spring is pretty strong. The knife uses stainless backsprings. In fact, with the exception of brass pins, all metal used through out is Stainless steel, with the blades and spike using 440.
As far as I can tell Blade Classics was a small American based company which had its knives made in China. I have only been able to find two or three patterns of knives made by the company, with this 695 pattern being one of them. At this time I do not know if they are still in business but I assume they are not.
Pattern: Pattern CAT-1 Catalina