The Rough Rider Half Hawk is copy of the Loom Fixer knife originally made by W. R. Case & Sons some years back. As the original name suggests, it was work knife knife designed for the textile industry. The pattern is also known as a cotton sampler.
The frame of the knife is similar to that of a sway back hawkbill. However, the use of the sheepfoot blade allows the knife to have a much smaller blade profile. The addition of the spear secondary provides the user with a pointy blade should the need for poking objects comes about. Obviously, the addition of a second blade increased the width of the handle, however this is negligible and actually make it a more comfortable grip. The unfortunately lacks a lanyard hole or bail which increases which would have been a nice feature when on the water.
The knife features full brass liners and spacers so the chance of blade rub is completely avoided. The handles are well pinned and the overall fit and finish is exceptional. The knife has a nice walk and talk with an excellent closing snap. Both blades have a clean, positive half stop. If you're looking for a good knife for cutting line ut would also like a small blade with a point, the knife prove useful. The down side to the knife is it does require two hands to employ the blades.
Pattern: RR12840 Half Hawk |